the contest of speed and beauty |

Golden Greyhound contest, Racing category
The title of the Golden Greyhound is the highest possible racing award
that a greyhound can achieve
in the Czech Republic.
Greyhounds collect points each race, analogous to F1 racing.
Points are awarded for distances of 300 m, 525 m and and a combination of
300 m and 525 m distances.
All winning categories have been divided to "dog" and "bitch" categories
in each distance since 2009.
A greyhound, that becomes a winner in a particular year, receives the
title "Golden Greyhound - Winner"
in a particular track distance.
If a greyhound vindicates the winning in a particular distance (the
same as in the previous year) next year,
such greyhound receives a higher title - "Golden Greyhound -
If a greyhound succeeds in winning in a particular distance three years in
a row, such greyhound receives
the highest title - "Golden Greyhound - Grandmaster".
The award of the Grandmaster title is connected with receiving a bonus
financial grant worth of
100,000 CzK (4,000 EUR)
Greyhounds are able to reach the highest speed and highest of other hound
breeds and greyhound races
are often compared to F1 racing pilots.
Greyhound fans admire the speed and beauty of these monopostos!
The Golden Greyhound contest,
Design category
The title of the Golden Greyhound is the highest possible beauty award
that a greyhound can achieve
in the Czech Republic.
Titles are received on the 1st Liberated Greyhound Exhibition in Bohemia
at the race event
"Greyhounds Day".
Greyhounds receive points from an art jury and Winning greyhounds are
awarded with titles in compliance
with their age and gender:
Golden Puppy, Lady, Sir, or Golden Senior.
Greyhounds also receive points from the race track audience a the winning
greyhound (regardless of age
or gender) receives the title "Golden Greyhound TOP Design.
The Grandmaster title can be achieved in the Golden Greyhound - Design
Only puppies cannot repeat their success in following years as the age
limit for the "Puppy" category is 24
Puppies can continue in the contest however, according to the contest
rules, in Sir or Lady category.
The organizer and the founder of the Golden Greyhound contest
The Golden
Greyhound contest has been organized by the Czech Greyhound Racing
Federation (CGRF),
a member of the World Greyhound Racing Federation.
"Greyhounds are masterpieces of Nature" said the president of the Czech
Greyound Racing federation
- Mr. Zdenek Grondol, a founder of the Golden Greyhound contest, couple
years ago.
"The perfect beauty of greyhounds fascinate me all the time. Anytime I see
a greyhound running, it takes my
breath away." These are some of quotations of the president of the Czech
Greyhound Racing Federation,
A greyhound owner, whose greyhound won any title of the Golden Greyhound
contest may apply for
signing the title to the CGRF Racing book-Licence.