Czech greyhound races - RED MILLS CUP 2009 - have their winners

Winners of greyhound races - champions of  RED MILLS

Cayenn Elbony and White Elbony won in the Czech republic. Knowsley Jake and Shelbourne Aston won in Ireland.
Czech Greyhound racing  - RED MILLS CUP 2009
- synchronous running of Sjudraget Cosalina and White Elbony
Czech Greyhound racing RED MILLS CUP 2009 - 525 m - Katatjuta´s Viola D´Amore, Cato Elbony, Cayenn Elbony
Czech greyhound racing - RED MILLS CUP 2009 - presentation at the race track Praskacka
Greyhound White Elbony tanks RED MILLS RACER, Formula F1 tanks SHELL V-POWER RACING
Monopost Greyhound runs up to 65 km/h and monopost Ferrari up to 350 km/h
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Cayenn Elbony!

Reportage from the International conference World Greyhound Racing Federation
in Las Vegas -

After the RED MILLS CUP 2009 greyhound races, there was a brigade-work in the Greyhound Estate - the final building approval is coming soon!

Czech greyhound races CZECH OPEN 2009 are coming!
Registration closure: 02.06.2009   Proposition:

 Archive: Czech greyhound racing federation: CZECH OPEN 2008

Česká greyhound dostihová federace - greyhound race track Praskačka

   © Czech Greyhound Racing Federation ©

Česká greyhound dostihová federace - greyhound race track Praskačka