Royal party on the CZECH INTERNATIONAL DERBY 2009 in hats at Praskacka greyhound races like at Ascot horse races - Czech greyhound racing federation

Česká greyhound dostihová federace provozuje dostihy chrtů greyhoundů

Chrti Greyhoundi a Ferrari - zrozeni k rychlosti - Česká greyhound dostihová federace

Greyhound Racing - vlajka České greyhound dostihové federace

Royal party on the CZECH INTERNATIONAL DERBY 2009
In hat at Praskacka greyhound races like at Ascot horse races

A hat stresses one´s appearance as well as the crown stresses the Queen´s majesty.
British Queen can be the only one, but any woman on any occasion may become the Fashion Queen.

The Queen Elizabeth the 2nd affirmed that dress should reflect one´s mood.

Her colorful costumes are perfectly in tune with her accessories.

According to her purple is the colour of the season and any color that can light up a human heart .

Who is going to be the winner this year? Let´s be surprised. Ivo Pavlík and Heidi Janků are the jury members.
We are accepting tips (by e-mail) for the winning hat colour of this season till the 31st July 12:00 AM The winner will receive a Tonak lady´s hat.

The Most beautiful sir and lady hat winners

Put on hats or any other sun head-gear and come in with your fan clubs

Mr. J. Jirout 08 a 07, a marzipan hat of Mr.Erbs daughter 08, Mrs. B. Hnízdová 06,  MUDr. H. Plíšková and Ing. V. Babincová 05

Photoreportage from the trial on the 27th July 2009 - preparing to CZECH INTERNATIONAL DERBY

What medias published about the Greyhounds Day
 - Hradecký deník - HERE and HERE       ČTK - HERE  


The parachute jumpers with the PRIZE MONEY are going to start the greyhound races

Preparations to CZECH INTERNATIONAL DERBY 2009 in full action

Ramor Kenzo - 300 m Stormy Cassandra - 300 m Lemon Moët - 300 m  Mellison Kewell - 525 m

A show of the "cap and hat" 2008 contest winners

 From the left: Mr. Jiří Jirout - the winner of the Finest Sir Hat TOP Hat contestant,   Lady Nela, Heidi and Sir Jan

GOLDEN GREYHOUND 2009 - category - Racing

Golden Greyhound 2009 - Winner of the 300 m Sprint distance - actual order

 - Dog - White Elbony - 21 points

Sjudraget Cosalina

- Bitch - Sjudraget Cosalina - 7 points

Golden Greyhound 2009 - Winner of the 525 m Classic distance - actual order

- Bitch - Sjudraget Cosalina - 7 points

Cayenn Elbony

- Dog - Cayenn Elbony - 13 points

Zlatý chrt 2009 - Vítěz tratí 300 m a 525 m - průběžné pořadí

 - Dog - White Elbony - 24 points

White Elbony and Sjudraget Cosalina

- Bitch - Sjudraget Cosalina - 14 points

GOLDEN GREYHOUND 2009 - category - Design

TOP Design - Galrea Chanel

 Lady Greyhound - Sjudraget Cosalina

 Golden Senior - Andy z Měňan

Sir Greyhound - Flash Co Co

The youngest princesses

Golden Puppy - Stormy Casandra

The construction of the greyhound racing track in Prague

We are working  in 5,5 m deep and 12 long tunnel under the Plzeňská street.

Mining machines, pit-props and other mining staff must be used when driving a heading under the Plzeňská road.

We are connecting the main tribune, capacity 1000 spectators, to the sewer system and moving water pipelines providing water to Prague suburbs.

Attention! Czech greyhound racing federation has a new place of business!

We are packing, unpacking, moving, installing, connecting wires, updating web constantly, supervising workers in the garden house and in addition to that we take care of our "little boys". We simply work hard.

The contact address and also the telehone contact to the Czech greyhound racing federation remains unchanged for the present.

Dostihy chrtů greyhoundů na dostihové dráze Praskačka

   © Czech Greyhound Racing Federation ©  CGDF / CGRF  member of World Greyhound Racing Federation 

Chrtí dostihy České greyhound dostihové federace

Royal party on the CZECH INTERNATIONAL DERBY 2009 in hats at Praskacka greyhound races like at Ascot horse races - Czech greyhound racing federation