Czech greyhound racing - SLOVAK INTERCARGO CUP 09 - Czech greyhound racing federation

Česká greyhound dostihová federace provozuje dostihy chrtů greyhoundů Chrti Greyhoundi a Ferrari - zrozeni k rychlosti - Česká greyhound dostihová federace Greyhound Racing - vlajka České greyhound dostihové federace

CUP 2009



 300 m - Sprint Winner:

 525 m - Classic Winner:

greyhound Sjudraget Dole,
offspring of Westmead Lark (UK)

greyhound White Elbony,
offspring of Big Daddy Cool (AU)

Who was the legendary Juraj Janosik? A highwayman who took from the rich and gave to the poor -
- click HERE

Slovak Intercargo Cup 2009 started with a ceremonial toast

Greyhound race - Slovak Intercargo Cup 2009 - Greyhound - sire - 300 m Sprint - presentation

 Lemon Moët  Sjudraget Dole  Mellison Kewell  Ramor Kenzo

Slovak Intercargo Cup 2009 - Greyhound - sire - 300 m Sprint - greyhound race

Sjudraget Dole ran in perfect condition. He led the race from the start to the end. He finished in 18,313 sec.

Greyhound race - Slovak Intercargo Cup 2009 - Greyhound - sire - 300 m Sprint - winners

1. - Sjudraget Dole, 2. - Lemon Moët, 3. - Ramor Kenzo, 4. - Mellison Kewell

Greyhound race - Slovak Intercargo Cup 2009 - Greyhound - mix - 525 m Classic - presentation

Slovak Intercargo Cup 2009 - Greyhound - mix - 525 m Classic - greyhound race

White Elbony ran in perfect condition. He led the race from the start to the end. He finished in 32,358 sec.

Greyhound race - Slovak Intercargo Cup 2009 - Greyhound - mix - 525 m Classic - winners

1. - White Elbony, 2. - Sjudraget Lijane, 3. - Cayenn Elbony, 4. - Cato Elbony, 5. - Katatjuta´s Viola D´Amore

Greyhound Schooling Academy

Training of greyhound presentation - fen NewMac Dior a Galrea Chanel with Swift Cruise the tutor

Swift Cruise is leadingvede Greyhound Schooling Academy students to the 300 m starting boxes

Decoration and thanks to the Greyhound Schooling Academy tutor - Swift Cruise

Swift Cruise, NewMac Dior, Galrea Chanel

 Swift Cruise received  a buffalo bone with a Dior ribbon and a white flower - a cult symbol of Chanel

Slovak Intercargo Cup 2009 continued with a hurdle race of all trainers

Jánošík (a slovak Robin Hood) evaluated finish time, highest jump, elasticity, dexterity and artistic merit

The native of the Alp country received the highest ranking, he chose telemark technique.
Some of them tried to copy his style.

Jánošík the outlaw - in action at the Praskacka Race Track

A bandit raut at the greyhound races

Roasting sausages - for some of us - was an adventure
- like in our school days.

Cymbal music, also violins and bagpipes, sounded Praskacka
 - there was spontanous dancing and singing there

Fees, prize money:  "Give me the money and the soul to God !", said Jánošík.

Prize money paid at the race track

Where shall we go next?
We are choosing from the TOP 50 Prague Restaurants magazine and the Gourmet Magazine

It was not easy  to choose, when shall we try all the 50?

Afterparty - some of us continued in visiting Prague restaurants

We started with an appetizer - slovak plum brandy, but one cannot find a real slovak one in Prague...

What a long but beautiful day !

See you at the greyhound race Slovak Intercargo Cup 2010

We would like to thank to our sponsor of this event SLOVAK INTERCARGO CUP 2009
 - the company of SLOVAK INTERCARGO, s. r. o.

The reportage will be updated shortly. Please follow this page.

Dostihy chrtů greyhoundů na dostihové dráze Praskačka

   © Czech greyhound racing federation ©  CGDF / CGRF  member of World Greyhound Racing Federation 

Chrtí dostihy České greyhound dostihové federace

Czech greyhound racing - SLOVAK INTERCARGO CUP 09 - Czech greyhound racing federation