ST. NICHOLAS GREYHOUND RACE - Czech greyhound racing federation

Česká greyhound dostihová federace provozuje dostihy chrtů greyhoundů Greyhound Racing - vlajka České greyhound dostihové federace


When traditions and innovations are combined - or greyhound racing
slightly in a different way

Angelic greyhound White Elbony with his owner
Angelic greyhound White Elbony with his owner

 Prague, Nov 18th 2009

 If you want to see greyhound races in a rather unusual
 realisation, please click on
 You will see greyhound racers and their happy 
 owners in unconventional guise e.g. St. Nicolas caps,
 angel wings, golden embroidery or reindeer horns.
 Clothes of members of the Czech greyhound racing
 federation have been changing from race to race for
 several years.
 The season closing race - the St. Nicolas greyhound
 race, scheduled to the 21st of Nov 2009 - will not be

 Many of us are meeting with pictures of greyhounds "dressed up" with the above mentioned St. Nicolas´ or
 other artifacts in a cosy room. Such pictures are mostly kind and smiling but not the greyhound races - all in
 the St. Nicolas style - that´s a different thing.

 One must have huge will and effort to transport - often over a half or the whole of the country or even further - 
 a greyhound and all necessary St. Nicolas artifacts to the race track. In doing so one must also have a 
 greyhound in good physical condition, show the greyhound´s state of health to a vet, then one must put a 
 greyhound into a starting box properly, survive the thrill of race till the end and not miss a greyhound when
 catching and put the greyhound  to a lead properly again. And then one must clean, dry, give plenty of water,
 administer necessary sport supplements etc. to the greyhound. Afterthat one should smile when taking
 pictures in the decoration area - either when a greyhound wins or loses, you simply believe your greyhound
 will win next time. One experiences all of this - at pleasure - as a St. Nicolas, angel or devil or a reindeer
 called Rudolph.

 The St. Nicolas period offers only rainy, slippery and cold weather - these are the facts that speak against
 racing - especially against greyhound racing, but there is a possibility to race at the sand track body with a
 good dreinage system that does not allow to slip on the surface and thus it is possible to extend a racing
 season significantly.
 Greyhounds release their power when running and satisfy their genetically given need - to pursuit anyting that
 moves and besides that, their trainers and owners can have fun. Ceremonials connected with decoring
 winners take place in the heated tent.  

 Sponsors, who financially support greyhound races at the Praskacka Race Track and thus help significantly
 to greyhound owners wallets, deserve major thanks. First of all one must do homage to all present
 greyhound owners for their will, financial and time consuming effort - only thanks to them it is possible to
 encourage the heritage given by our ancestors as well as to freshen hunting greyhounds tradition with
 modern novelties.
 It is nice when traditions and innovations are combined.    

 Reindeer Rudolph the musician Greyhound St. Nicolases Angelic greyhound owner
               Reindeer Rudolph the musician  Greyhound St. Nicolases Angelic greyhound owner

Czech greyhound racing of the Czech greyhound racing federation - a member of the World Greyhound Racing Federation!

© Czech Greyhound Racing Federation © 
member of World Greyhound Racing Federation 

ST. NICOLAS GREYHOUND RACE - Czech greyhound racing federation

Dostihy chrtů greyhoundů na dostihové dráze Praskačka

   © Česká Greyhound Dostihová Federace ©  CGDF / CGRF  member of World Greyhound Racing Federation 

Chrtí dostihy České greyhound dostihové federace

Dne 20.6.2009 Ferrari Owner´s Club Česká republika (jehož je členem Zdenek Grondol,
prezident České greyhound dostihové federace) vyrazil na výlet pojmenovaný v parafrázi na známý hit skupiny
Elán "Víno, čo ma drží nad vodou"
. Kolona Ferrari vyrazila od show-roomu Ferrari a pokračovala do vinohradu společnosti
VINIDI, s.r.o. v Bábu, Slovensko.
Po prohlídce nejmodernějších vinařských technologií následovala ochutnávka vín ze sklepů honorárního konzula Marocké království
spojená se společnou večeří.
A kdo nás držel nad vodou v neděli?
Ve 14:00 hod jsme navštívili hudební skupinu Elán zastoupenou jejím leaderem Jožo Rážem a Jano Balážem
v show-roomu Yamaha
Pan Zdenek Grondol předal Elánu historické fotografie z turné po SSSR v roce 1984, které dle Jožo Ráže budou umístěny
do muzea hudební skupiny Elán.
Těšíme se až se se všemi aktéry setkáme na dostizích chrtů greyhoundů pořádaných Českou greyhound dostihovou federací
na dostihové dráze Praskačka.
Sponzorem akce byla slovenská firma Slovak Intercargo, s.r.o.

Štítky: dostihy chrtů greyhoundů, chrtí dostihy, Česká greyhound dostihová federace, dostihová dráha Praskačka,
           Slovak Intercargo s.r.o, Ferrari, Yamaha, hudební skupina Elán, Ferrari Owner´s Club, vinné sklepy VINIDI,
           Greyhound Racing, čerpací stanice pohonných hmot Shell,