Nr. Date:  Name of the day:  Race:  Nr. and name of the race:

Distance in meterage:

Financial prices:
Race:  Name of the race: 300 525 740 premise


 First Solo Racing - - - 300 - - -
2. -  Second Solo Racing - - - 300 - - -
3. -  Solo&Trial Racing – licenční běhy - - - 300 - - -
4. 15.4.  APRIL CUP   


1.  April Cup Classic - greyhound - 525 - -
2.  April Cup Classic - whippet 300 - - --
3.  April Cup Sprint - greyhound 300 - - -
4.  Veteran April Cup 300 - - -
5. 6.5.  JARNÍ CENA


1.  Jarní cena - greyhound - sire - 525 - -
2.  Jarní cena - greyhound - dam - 525 - -
3.  Jarní cena - greyhound - sire 300 - - -
4.  Jarní cena - greyhound - dam 300 - - -
5.  Jarní cena - whippet - sire 300 - - -
6.  Jarní cena - whippet - dam 300 - - -
7.  Jarní cena - greyhound veterán - mix 300 - - -
6. 27.5.  GRAND PRIX


1.  Grand Prix Classic - greyhound - sire - 525 - -
2.  Grand Prix Classic - greyhound - dam - 525 - -
3.  Grand Prix Sprint - greyhound - sire 300 - - -
4.  Grand Prix Sprint - greyhound - dam 300 - - -
5.  Grand Prix Classic - whippet - sire 300 - - -
6.  Grand Prix Classic - whippet - dam 300 - - -
7.  Veteran Grand Prix - greyhound - mix 300 - - -
8.  Other breeds ? - - -
7. 17.6.

 (The day of greyhounds -all!)

 Introduction Puppies into society
 Greyhound Stars 

 CGRF's dog show :
 - The most beautiful whippet
 - The most beautiful greyhound 
 - The most beautiful. . .
(Other breeds)
  Companion show:
- The most photogenic greyhound
 - The most photogenic whippet,
 Award of "Design of Greyhound"



-  Golden Little Puppy Defilé - - - -
-  Golden Puppy Defilé - - - -
-  Greyhound's Stars 2005 - defilé of greyhouds's stars 05,06 - - - -
-  Greyhound's Stars - defilé of merited greyhounds - - - -
-  Nej . . . greyhound - puppy/sire/dam/veteran/merited - - - -
-  Nej . . . whippet - puppy/sire/dam/veteran/merited - - - -
1.  Greyhound Puppy Sprint - sire  300 - - -
2.  Greyhound Puppy Sprint - dam 300 - - -
3.  Whippet Puppy Classic - sire 300 - - -
4.  Whippet Puppy Classic - dam 300 - - -
5.  Summer classic - greyhound - sire - 525 -  -
6.  Summer classic - greyhound - dam - 525 -  -
7.  Greyhound - Oaks - dam 300 - - -
8.  Greyhound - Mister Cup - sire 300 - - -
9.  Whippet - Oaks - dam 300 - - -
10.  Whippet - Mister Cup - sire 300 - - -
11.  Armagedon Cup - veterans 300 - - -
12.  Other breeds ? - - -
13.  Show race - engagement 300 - - -
8. 1.7.
 In a cap as on the races in Ascot 

Prize for:
The most beautiful bonnet!
 - The most atractive bonnet! 


1.  CZECH INTERNATIONAL Classic - greyhound - sire - 525 - -
2.  CZECH INTERNATIONAL Classic - greyhound - dam - 525 - -
3.  CZECH INTERNATIONAL Sprint - greyhound - sire 300 - - -
4.  CZECH INTERNATIONAL Sprint - greyhound - dam 300 - - -
5.  CZECH INTERNATIONAL Sprint - whippet - sire 300 - - -
6.  CZECH INTERNATIONAL Sprint - whippet - dam 300 - - -
7.  CZECH INTERNATIONAL Veteran - Sprint - mix 300 - - -
8.  Other breeds ? - - -
9. 26.8.
 CGRF World Championship 
 For those of you, for whose is   
 greyhoud "the whole world"

CGRF's World Champions  - defilé

KFP's dog show - Pharaoh Fest


1.  World Champion  - greyhound - dam - 525 - -
2.  World Champion  - greyhound - sire - 525 - -
3.  World Champion  - greyhound - dam 300 - - -
4.  World Champion  - greyhound - sire 300 - - -
5.  World Champion  - whippet - dam 300 - - -
6.  World Champion  - whippet - sire 300 - - -
7.  World Champion  - greyhound Veteran - mix 300 - - -
8.  World Champion  - Pharaoh - dam 300 - - -
9.  World Champion  - Pharaoh - sire 300 - - -
10.  Other breeds ? - - -


 CGRF's Championship 


1.  Czech Open - greyhound - sire - 525 - -
2.  Czech Open - greyhound - dam - 525 - -
3.  Czech Open - greyhound - sire 300 - - -
4.  Czech Open - greyhound - dam 300 - - -
5.  Czech Open - whippet - sire 300 - - -
6.  Czech Open - whippet - dam 300 - - -
7.  Czech Open  - greyhound - Veteran - mix  300 - - -
8.  Other breeds ? - - -




 European Breeders Cup
 Duel of teams with the same 
Prizes for the most Sucessful pairs!
- Prices for fastest greyhounds 
   and whippets  

 - Greyhound's Stars
- defilé, 
 honour for all greyhound's Stars!!


-  Greyhound's Stars 2005 and 2006 - defilé - - - -
1.  European Breeders Cup - greyhound  - 525 - -
2.  European Breeders Cup - whippet - 525 - -
3.  European Breeders Cup - greyhound  300 - - -
4.  European Breeders Cup - whippet 300 - - -
5.  Other breeds ? - - -
6.  The most fastest greyhounds EUBC - defilé - - - -



 21.10.  Czech St. Leger


1.  Czech St. Leger Long - greyhound  - - 740 -
2.  Czech St. Leger - greyhound - sire  - 525 - -
3.  Czech St. Leger - greyhound - dam - 525 - -
4.  Czech St. Leger - greyhound - sire 300 - - -
5.  Czech St. Leger - greyhound - dam 300 - - -
6.  Czech St. Leger - whippet - sire 300 - - -
7.  Czech St. Leger - whippet - dam 300 - - -
8.  Czech St. Leger - Veteran - greyhound - mix 300 - - -
9.  Other breeds ? - - -




 Pohár obce Praskačka


1.  Pohár obce Praskačka - Long - greyhound - - 740 -
2.  Super Trophy - greyhound - sire - 525 - -
3.  Super Trophy - greyhound - dam - 525 - -
4.  Super Trophy - greyhound - sire 300 - - -
5.  Super Trophy - greyhound - dam 300 - - -
6.  Super Trophy - whippet - sire 300 - - -
7.  Super Trophy - whippet - dam 300 - - -
8.  Veteran Trophy - greyhound - mix 300 - - -
9.  Other breeds ? - - -
 * Terms and names of the racing days, names and numbers of the races should be changed by CGRF.

Organizer of all races is: Czech Greyhound Racing Federation
For all races of whippets and greyhounds is valid: CGRF's rules of racing 
For all participants is valid: Rules of the track Czech Greyhound Track Praskačka 
Fees : CGRF's Tarif of fees


 Into the races will not be accepted greyhounds, who do not have minimally 2 traininks or 2 races on the Praskačka track.
 It doesn't concern greyhounds and whippets racing under rules of CGRC, because they have been classified 
 and are racing on the tracks with sandy surface.

2.  T-shirts with logos and names of others racing oganisations use only on their own races and trainings!
It is strictly disabled to presume the premises of the race track Praskačka and also any of the activities of Czech greyhound 
 racing federation  for promotion of other racing organisations which don't sponsor our federation and activities.
We would like to notice that you can be precluded from races if you'll be dressed in this clothes!

NO = National Open Races      - financial prizes only for members of CGRF
IO = International Open Races  - financial prizes for all greyhounds



Application forms for races:
Mobil:  00420 606 724 386
SMS:  00420 606 724 386
Application forms send to:  Racing secretary