the Czech Greyhound Race Track Praskacka




Event organizer: 

Czech Greyhound Racing Federation (ČGDF/CGRF)


Parameters of the race track, timing and recording equipment

Parameters of the race track:

type: race track with sand body
surface: sand mixed with clay
width of bends: 7 m
angle of pitch: 6
° - 8°
radius of bends: 42 and 43 m
shape: oval
circumference: 440 m
width of straight: 6 m
last bend – finish: 70 m
lure: inner
Distance length: 300m, 525m, 740m (87 m - for solo runs of retired greyhounds)
Mean time distance: 525 m distance - 87 m,  740 m distance - 300 m
1st timer:
2nd timer:
1 piece of digital video timer - 2000 pics / sec (photo-finish) with protocols - Alge Timing
1 piece of digital timer with protocols - Alge Timing
Electronical track juries: 10 pieces of videocameras around the track (10 electronical track juries)
10 pieces of DVD recording devides
Records of the track juries: one racing situation from different angles - archiving


Greyhound races - Run-ups


August 27th 2010, Friday, at 18:00



Greyhound races - Finals


August 28th 2010, Saturday, at 13:00








1. CZECH INTERNATIONAL DERBY 2010 - Sprint 300 m greyhound  
2. CZECH INTERNATIONAL DERBY 2010 - Classic - Finals 525 m greyhound  
3. CZECH INTERNATIONAL DERBY 2010 - Classic - Consolation 525 m greyhound  
4. CZECH INTERNATIONAL DERBY 2010 - Classic - Consolation 525 m greyhound  
Participation: Only for persons registered to a particular racing season and invited persons

Starting fee:

See the valid tarif of fees - charged as a race 

Inspection / take over: Race & veterinary inspection  

Documents necessary for inspection:

  -  certificate of vaccination

  -   veterinary atest - OPTIONAL
-  greyhounds not in our database are
   obliged to prove the ID

- records in the racing book - the licence can be signed by the race manager.


Time period for veterinary inspection / take over:

Aug 28th 2010  - 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Start of the event:

Aug 28h 2010  - 13:00

End of the event:

according the situation



Deadline for signing in:

25th 2010 (Wednesday)



Race subsidies:

Financial prizes:

 Total 73,000.00 CzK available if the run-ups take place

Material prizes :

 Winner: cup, jacket

Financial prizes for the event: CZECH ITNERNATIONAL DERBY 2010

Placement 300 m - Finals
- race for registered & invited
525 m - Finals
- race for registered & invited
525 m - Consolation 1
- race for registered & invited
525 m - Consolation 2
- race for registered & invited

 1st place

  4.000,- + **bonus 4.000,-    8.000,- + **bonus 8.000,-  1400,-  1000,-
 2nd place   3.000,- + **bonus 3.000,-    6.000,- + **bonus 6.000,-  1100,-    800,-
 3rd place   2.000,- + **bonus 2.000,-    4.000,- + **bonus 4.000,-    900,-     600,-
 4th place   1.000,- + **bonus 1.000,-    2.000,- + **bonus 2.000,-    700,-    400,-
 5th palce      800,- + **bonus    400,-    1.600,- + ** bonus   800,-    500,-    300,-
 6th palce      400,-       800,-    300,-    200,-

*at least four, exceptionally three, runners must be registered for a particular run

**financial bonuses are related to start of minimum of 18 racing greyhounds in one particular distance, such greyhounds must take part in
   Friday´s run-ups.
 Bonuses will not be paid off in case the number of registered greyhounds is lower than the prescribed minimal number.

rize money will be paid in compliance with known and long-established rules:
       Six runners: see. Financial prizes table                 
       Five runners: First place prize money is omitted
       Four runners: First place and second place prize money is omitted
       Three runners: First place, second place and third place prize money is omitted


Greyhounds gain points to the golden Greyhound contest (only for registered)

Dress Code :
CGRF or Ferrari colours, i.e. white, red, yellow, black, blue jeans possible
Hats or any headwear is welcomed.
For the TOP Hat contest it is recommeded to wear clothers correlating with colors of headwear.
Prize money pay off see above.
prize money will be paid off in the place.

Rules for race prize money:
   - will be payed according to known rules:
       Six runners:    see. Financial prizes table                 
       Five runners:   First place prize money is omitted
       Four runners:  First place and second place prize money is omitted
       Three runners: First place, second place and third place prize money is omitted
- Prize money is paid in compliance with racing propositions
  - In the case of national events, prize money is usually paid at the next race, if not stated
    otherwise in propositions to a  particular race.
  - In case of international events, prize money is paid in the place the same day - see the racing
  - Prize money that are not picked out will be forfeited on behalf of CGRF

Further information - see the Document section of the CGRF website

Betting office

the prize is a bottle of vodka
Stolichnaya / Terminalovka

Sponsor: Zdenek Grondol

purchased the prize by himself,
is willing to donate

pretty bookmaker
bookmaker Ryan O´ Bryan



Starting fee - race:  500,- CzK (According to the valid Tariff of fees) - 1 lunch & welcome drink free of charge included in the fee
Starting fee - exhibition:  500,- CzK (for those who do not take part in races) - 1 lunch & welcome drink free of charge included in the fee
Starting fee - training:   50,- CzK - 1 lunch & welcome drink free of charge included in the fee



For registered and invited
Greyhound Schooling Academy: Straight, curve, start - after the training

Recipience of confirmations of participation in races - for registered/invited only:

The registration form can be found in Documents

SMS contact: + 420 606 724 386 (if the greyhound has already been registered)
Obligatory shape of SMS: race/training_name, date, greyhound_name, run
Česká greyhound dostihová federace, o.s., Kovářova 26/12, 155 00 Praha 13