Czech greyhound racing federa

CGRF antidoping rules

A) Rules of drug administration

  1. except the the ordinary food and nutrients fed by the mouth - no medicine, chemical or substance is allowed to affect the speed, stamina, courage and conduct of a greyhound
  2. a racing greyhound must be fit for racing and fully recovered from any illness, injury, or other veterinary problems
    • minimum withdrawal period after the last treatment (since last medicine or chemical has been administered): 96 hours prior to a race
  3. only a veterinary surgeon can administer Corticosteroidal hormones, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (the NSAID group = painkillers), antibiotics to a racing greyhound only during illness and / or injury
    • minimum withdrawal period after the last treatment (since last medicine or chemical has been administered): 288 hours prior to a race
  4. only a veterinary surgeon can administer anabolic steroids and/or androgenic hormones to a racing greyhound only during illness and / or injury
    • minimum withdrawal period after the last treatment (since last medicine or chemical has been administered): 720 hours prior to a race

  5. a greyhound owner of a greyhound that recovered from a medical problem must hand in a medical report, signed by a veterinary surgeon, stating a list of administered drugs, lenght of use, amount of used drugs etc.
  6. a track veterinary supervisor can require a full account of the medical history of a given greyhound from the greyhound owner. On the basis of the medical report an authorized veterinary surgeon may decide whether the greyhound can race or not

B) Antidoping tests

  1. the greyhound owner agrees with executing antidoping tests of a given greyhound by applying for registration of a greyhound
  2. it is the right of the Racing manager to decide when an where an anti-doping test will take place
  3. only the authorised persons (veterinary surgeon and any persons authorised by the Racing Manager) are allowed to arrange such tests
  4. the Racing manager ensures that the equipment for taking samples, sealing and delivering of the samples is accesible at every CGRF eventů
  5. an authorised veterinary surgeon must be assisted by at least one approved CGRF steward when executing an antidoping test
  6. refusing an antidoping test is considered as a positive test result

C) List of doping substances, chemicals, medicines

  1. These chemicals, substances or medicines are considered as doping:

  • medicine or chemical influencing the central and the peripheral nerve system        

  • medicine or chemical influencing the vegetative nerve system

  • medicine or chemical influencing the digestive system

  • medicine or chemical influencing the heart and the blood system

  • medicine or chemical influencing muscles

  • medicine or chemical causing antipyretic and analgetic effects

  • medicine or chemical influencing the blood condensabilty

  • cytostatic agents

  • antihistamins

  • diuretic stimulants

  • local anesthetics

  • myorelaxantia

  • medicine or chemical stimuling breathing

  • sexual hormons ( with the exception of chemicals supressing the heat)

  • anabolics

  • corticoids

  • endocrines and the syntetic analogies

                2.   any confirmed amount of chemicals, substances or medicines described in the point 6 is considered
                      to be a positive result of the antidoping test,
                      with the exception of theobromin – a tolerated level of this chemical is 2000 nanograms/ml


D) Breaching of rules of drug administration and positive anti-doping tests

A positive antidoping test results and / or violation of rules of drug administration can lead to:

  1. disqualification of the greyhound from the race by return (including removing the prize money, cups etc.)
  2. suspension of the greyhound from races for a minimum period of three years
  3. suspension of the greyhound owner from taking part in races for a minimum period of three years
  4. a greyhound owner, whose greyhound´s antidoping test is positive, must pay the expences for the testing. If a greyhound´s antidoping test is negative, all the expences are paid by the CGRF
  5. the CGRF presidium may impose heavier penalties for anyone who violates these rules

   © Czech Greyhound Racing Federation ©