Greyhound racing LETNÍ CENA - Chelsea - Czech greyhound racing federation - a member of WGRF
Česká greyhound dostihová federace provozuje dostihy chrtů greyhoundů Chrti Greyhoundi a Ferrari - zrozeni k rychlosti - Česká greyhound dostihová federace Greyhound Racing - vlajka České greyhound dostihové federace

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GREYHOUND DAY - 11th July 2009 - registration closure: 03th  July 2009 24:00 PM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What else fine the medias published about the event:

another reportage of  TV Markíza - HERE

Questions and answers - PLUS 7 DNÍ - click HERE       

Article - PLUS 7 DNÍ - click HERE and HERE 

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odkaz na - Česká greyhound dostihová federace

odkaz na TV JOJ - Česká greyhound dostihová federace

- reportage starts from 10. min 42. s


TV Markíza
odkaz na TV Markíza - Česká greyhound dostihová federace

- right click - save as target - desktop

An employee of FC Chelsea - J. Julius M. - visited the CGRF races and brought a present

Ceremonious change of sport dresses of FC Chelsea (UK) with the CGRF logo and number one for the CGRF dress with the greyhound logo

Australian newspaper - NATIONAL GREYHOUND FORM - wrote an article about CGRF greyhounds

GNF scan

White Elbony before the start

White in an australian magazine

Greyhound races - Letní Cena 2009 - moments of the racing day

Greyhound presentation - 300 m

Social gathering before the racing

Greyhound presentation - 525 m

The winner of the Sprint was White Elbony and Sjudraget Cosalina won the Classic

1st place - 300 m - White Elbony

Prezentation of winners

1st place - 525 m - Sjudraget Cosalina

GT Team - Moet, Kenzo, Kevel

Greyhound racing - Letní Cena 2009 -  greyhound Sprint run - 300 m

Greyhound racing - Letní Cena 2009 - greyhound mix Classic run - 525 m

Some of the CGRF members baked, grilled and prepared delicious refreshment for everyone

Famous cakes of Mrs. Zámečníková, grilled bio sausages - 30% Fett and sandwiches

"I wanna live in Tahiti" - historical photographies handed over after the years !

"It´s me" admitted our DJ Duňas when enjoying the song "I wanna live in Tahiti" by Heidi Janků

Licence runs, tranings and Greyhound Schooling Academy

Swift Cruise and Cassandra

Stormy Cassandra

Sjudraget Lijane

Sjudraget Lijane and Dole

NewMac Dior NewMac Dior refereshed Kevel trains with hare Moet and Kevel
Sjudraget Lijane and trainer Galrea Chanel Veterinary take over New numbers in the Paddock

Bye at the race track Praskačka - next round of the 1st liberated exhibition in Bohemia Golden Greyhound 2009 - Design.

Dostihy chrtů greyhoundů na dostihové dráze Praskačka

   © Czech Greyhound Racing Federation ©  CGDF / CGRF  member of World Greyhound Racing Federation 

Chrtí dostihy České greyhound dostihové federace

Greyhound racing - LETNÍ CENA 2009 - Chelsea - Czech greyhound racing federa

On the 27th June 2009 greyhound races Letní Cena 2009 took place at the race track Praskačka.
After the toast, that begun the Letní Cena 2009 racing, greyhound mix  300 m run and greyhound mix 525 m run started the racing, followed by the  1st licence runs of  Stormy Cassandra, Sjudraget Dole and Sjudraget Lijane. Then Greyhound Schooling Academy  and greyhound training runs took place.
During the racing day a set of historical photos were handed opver to the DJ Duňas who enjoyed them as well as the famous song "I wanna live in Tahiti" by Heidi Janku.
Bye at tha race track Praskačka - next round of the 1st liberated exhibition in Bohemia Golden Greyhound 2009 - Design.