Czech greyhound racing - Czech St. Leger 2009 - Finals - Czech greyhound racing federation

Dostihy chrtů greyhoundů na dostihové dráze Praskačka                Chrti Greyhoundi a Ferrari - zrozeni k rychlosti - Česká greyhound dostihová federace               Greyhound Racing - vlajka České greyhound dostihové federace

!!! Saturday the 10th Oct 2009 timed trial at 9:30 AM !!!


Greyhound race - Greyhound - Sprint 300 m and Greyhound Classic 525 m

and Great tip contest - bet on final order

Hard punk music sounded Praskacka  - remake of the famous song "Bájo, kam jdeš? Na Praskačku! Co je tam dnes? Chrtí dostih!"


Greyhound races Czech St. Leger 2009 - betting on final order of the racing greyhounds

Respected names of greyhounds appeared on the greyhound race track Praskacka.
It is hard to bet - one cannot guess the winner.

Greyhound races Czech St. Leger 2009 - presentation - Greyhound - sire - 300 m Sprint - Finals

Army boots, coloured punk hair style, tattoos, piercing, razors, steel, black paint, leather, black lace , chains, skulls, blacken eyes and nails and a lot of hair style gel - those were our stewards-handlers

Runners of the 1st final run - 300 m Sprint:  Lemon Moët (2), Mellison Kewell (4), White Elbony (6)

Greyhound races Czech St. Leger 2009 - greyhound - sire - 300 m Sprint - Finals

Czech St. Leger 2009 winner decoration - Greyhound - sire - 300 m Sprint - Finals

Pure Irish greyhounds raced in the run

Winners of the 1st final run: Lemon Moët (2), White Elbony (6), Mellison Kewell (4)

Greyhound race Czech St. Leger 2009 - presentation - Greyhound - mix - 525 m Classic - Finals

 Others joined the punk handlers - retired rocker, little witch and skinheads - simply underground

 Cato Elbony (1) , Cayenn Elbony (2), Sjudraget Lijane (3), Stormy Cassandra (5) a Katatjuta´s Viola D´Amore (6)

Greyhound race Czech St. Leger 2009 - greyhound - mix - 525 m Classic - Finals

 Start, straight, 1st bend 2nd bend - equable run till the endi. Katatjuta´s Viola D´Amore ruled the run.

Czech St. Leger 2009 winner decoration - Greyhound - mix - 525 m Classic - Finals

Cayenn Elbony Sjudraget Lijane K. Viola D´Amore Cato Elbony Stormy Cassandra

Shots from the Czech St. Leger 2009 event

After the event, the action continued - the punk band was giving autographs in Prague streets:
Tourists were asking the manager to allow them to take some pictures of a band that they know but cannot remember the name.

Winners fo the final races of the Czech St. Leger 2009

Lemon Moët, White Elbony, Mellison Kewell  Cayenn Elbony, Sjudraget Lijane, Katatjuta´s Viola D´Amore

The prize of the Great tip contest of the Czech St. Leger 2009 event

In total 87 tips for the final order came in e-mails.

Out of:  Netherlands 3x, Belgium 1x, Ireland 5x, UK 4x, Sweden 3x, Finland 1x,  Lithuania 1x, Hungary 1x, Slovakia 5x,
Poland 3x, Germany 2x, Austria 6x, Switzerland 1x, France 1x, Czech R. 50x  Unfortunatelly nobody guessed right.
The only right tip was handed over at the Praskacka greyhound race track.

Greyhound race Czech St. Leger 2009 - fees, prize money

Prize money were paid at the race track

Greyhound race Czech St. Leger 2009 - giving the bouquets

 Punkers dont give bouquets in an usual way. "What´s that for? Can I smoke this grass?"

Greyhound race Czech St. Leger 2009 - a toast and refreshment

That was beat! As if we werent in the Czech Republic! All Irish, Swedish, Austrians.

Our final race runners:

1  Cato Elbony                             Parents: Honcho Classic / Elbony Shadow


 Cayenn Elbony                        Parents: Larkhill Jo / Elbony Indigo


 Sjudraget Lijane                     Parents: Westmead Lark / Go Wild Lisa


 Stormy Cassandra                  Parents: Droopys Scolari / Stormy Minnie


 Katatjuta´s Viola D´Amore   Parents: Ikarus / Savannah Queen
2  Lemon Moët                           Parents: Tyrrur Ted / Lemon Post
4  Mellison Kewell                     Parents: Droopys Kewell / Brave Mentor
6  White Elbony                         Parents: Big Daddy Cool / Elbony Spirit

Greyhound racing at Praskacka  race track  - Czech greyhound racing federation

Dostihy chrtů greyhoundů na dostihové dráze Praskačka

   © Czech Greyhound Racing Federation © 
member of World Greyhound Racing Federation 

Dostihy chrtů greyhoundů na dostihové dráze Praskačka

Czech greyhound racing - Czech St. Leger 2009 - Finals - Czech greyhound racing federation


Czech greyhound racing federation ČGDF / CGRF organizes:

Česká greyhound dostihová federace / Czech Greyhound racing Federation