The naive art painter, Frantisek Ringo Cech, created already a third painting of greyhounds |
analysis of the work: "THE
The author of the legend to the work: František Ringo Čech - click HERE |
I love VAT |
Author is reading the legend |
Picture part no.1: Greyhound ELBONY: Cayenn you are our darling! We are very proud of you. Mum Elbony Indigo, Dad Larkhill Jo, Aunt Lassie Snoopy and Bolt |
Picture part no.2: Greyhound COCO CHANEL and greyhound DIOR: Grandmaster Cayenn Elbony for the president! Enough of Klaus and all the others... |
Picture part no.3: Greyhound WHITE: Greyhound is the king of beasts! Breed greyhounds & strengthen peace, you will stregthen the currency and you will prevent the global heating! |
Picture part no.4: Greyhound DOLE: (looking to the future) PRAGUE GRONDOL DOG STADIUM |
Greyhound Racing at Praskacka race track - Czech greyhound racing federation |
© Czech Greyhound
Racing Federation © |
Czech Greyhound Racing Federation ČGDF / CGRF organizes:
Česká greyhound dostihová federace / Czech Greyhound Racing Federation (CGDF
/ CGRF):