7th General meeting - Czech greyhound racing federation

Dostihy chrtů greyhoundů na dostihové dráze Praskačka                               Chrti Greyhoundi a Ferrari - zrozeni k rychlosti - Česká greyhound dostihová federace   Greyhound Racing - vlajka České greyhound dostihové federace

7th General meeting of the Czech Greyhound Racing Federation took place on March 7th 2010, in Prague

We discussed important issues...

..at 7th meeting

...also had good food

...and drink

The arrival of the representatives of the Czech Greyhound Racing Federation to the 7th General meeting

 From the left - top: Jarmila Grondolova, Zdenek Grondol, Rudolf Zelinsky, Ladislava Jurkova
 From the left - bottom: greyhounds White Elbony, Cayenn Elbony, Cato Elbony, limousine BMW 750 AXL with the sign
 "The Grandmaster Cayenn Elbony"

7th General meeting had its "before"party and also afterparty

One for all, all for one and all for greyhounds!

The construction of the central grandstand of the new racing stadium in Prague will begin on 19th March 2010

The company PSG, a.s., was appointed as the head contractor of the MOTOL RACE TRACK Facility


The PSG company is a well-proven contractor that i.e. built the O2 arena in Prague


Press Releases of CTK/CPA (Protext) already in ENGLISH !!!

PR no 1

Breeder IHOT.CZ Colour World PR no 2 PR no 3 PR no 4
Sunday BLESK ShowPix.cz Blesk.cz NextFoto Public 24 Scuderia Boys Colour Planet
CZECHINT.CZ Greyhound Company INTERNETHity.cz windhund.eu runninggag.at SPY TV Scuderia Boys
protext.sk protext.sk monitoruji.cz volneclanky.cz regionycr.cz protext.sk protext.sk

Do you want to see greyhound racing presented by the CGRF?

Click on Youtube.com - Czech International Derby 2007 or : TV a Video

Other clips with songs about greyhounds from the Greyhound Company repertory will follow!

Greyhound Racing at Praskačka race track  - Czech greyhound racing federation

   © Czech Greyhound Racing Federation ©  www.cgdf.cz 
member of World Greyhound Racing Federation 

7th General meeting - Czech greyhound racing federation



Czech Greyhound Racing Federation ČGDF / CGRF organizes:

Česká greyhound dostihová federace / Czech Greyhound Racing Federation